A very big thank you to all of the sponsors who help to make Track North Athletic Club possible!
Shawn Brady (website sponsorship)
Peter and Evelyn Diebel (Financial Donation)
Andrew Ellerton (Website creation)
Jock Forbes (Financial Donation)
**Rickey Goudreau (Sport Massage Services)
**Nick Koutsoukis (Financial Donation)
**Pierre & Lisa Labrecque (Financial Donation)
Bob Lesk (Financial Donation)
**Frank and Sally Lesk (Financial Donation)
Kaitlyn Toohey (nee Tallman) (Financial Donation)
** Special Thanks!!
Pierre and Lisa Labreque (Labrecque Technologies)

We gratefully accept all donations and can provide a tax receipt through our national governing body.
Please contact Dick Moss (coach) for more information.
[email protected]
Please contact Dick Moss (coach) for more information.
[email protected]